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New Class: Healing Grief with the Help of Animals

I’m super excited to announce the next class in my zoom series with Ricardo Gare:

Saturday, July 10, 2021 10-11:30am Pacific time

In this class you’ll learn:

  1. How condor and hummingbird can help us balance our shadow and our light as we navigate loss.

  2. How condors and hummingbirds support our Earth and how we can also help them.

  3. Condors and hummingbirds as spiritual teachers and healers of grief. How can they help support us in difficult moments?

Plus you’ll be guided in:

  1. A transforming meditation with condor and hummingbird energy to help you transform grief into peace and gratitude.

  2. A balancing meditation with condor and hummingbird to balance the shadow and light energy within yourself.

Can’t be there live? No problem: A recording of this class will be sent to all participants. CLICK HERE for more info and to sign up.

Ricardo and I believe it is time for humans to wake up to the blessings that animals of the world are offering to us each and every day. This class is the third in the Animal Wisdom Series, and we hope this series of courses will support you in creating a more compassionate life!

Find deeper wisdom and insights by meditating with the special animals in this series.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to join the English and Portuguese healing community for the good of all beings!

PLUS: I’m announcing two more recipients of the Dakota Scholarship:

Thank you to my licensed teacher Elaine McCarty of for offering the Dakota Scholarship to one more student: Nara Periera, seen here with her foster dog Osi, a dog recovering from a hit and run accident that left him with 3 legs. Nara volunteers with animal refuges in Chile and wants to bring the Let Animals Lead® method to abandoned animals and those in need in her community.

Thanks also to Kelly McDermott of for offering the Dakota Scholarship to one more student, Jocelyn, who is a Pet End of Life Doula. Jocelyn is hoping to be of even more support to the families she helps with what she learns through her certification.

nara with her dog osi

Nara and Osi

I’m so thrilled at the generosity of my teachers to offer these special scholarships to so many worthy applicants, and can’t wait to see how the Let Animals Lead® method helps them in the amazing work they are already doing! Note: Although my July online Level 1 classes are sold out, I do have a few spots left in the PM session of my online Level 2! Be sure to sign up soon while there’s still space 🙂

Stay safe, be well and may the animals light your way,

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