Spending so much time at home during the pandemic has made me appreciate the quiet spaces in my home even more!
And so, as a slow-moving project, over the past few months I’ve been redoing my home office.
I’ve been trying to decide what to put on the wall across from my desk, and just a few days ago it came to me: a collage of animal faces, the faces of my favorite Animal Reiki teachers over the past 23 years of my practice.
I ended up spending a couple of hours pouring through old photos and remembering some incredible Animal Reiki lessons and experiences that truly have shaped me and helped me become the person I am today.
It was really difficult to narrow down the photos, but in the end, I settled on 15 photos – which will be mounted on 12″ x 12″ wall tiles in black and white, and set side by side to hopefully create a sacred inspiration for me to look at as I write, teach and meditate.
Well, about half of these animals are from BrightHaven, and so I wanted to share today a little about this amazing place where I taught monthly Animal Reiki classes for 13 years, and whose founder, Gail Pope is one of my biggest life mentors and inspirations. Over 1,000 of my students learned from these animals over the years!
This photo is of Gail, me and Joey about 11 years ago. Beautiful memories! Gail is the world’s expert on natural dying and the animal hospice process, and I’m so grateful for everything I’ve learned from her over the years.
Over the years I’ve written many blogs about BrightHaven animals. I’d like to introduce you to just a few of them today. Most of them have passed on now, but they continue to live on through my teachings and the love that they brought to so many Animal Reiki students who have passed through the doors of BrightHaven!
CLICK HERE to meet EJ the mini donkey and learn what he taught me about learning to trust again.
CLICK HERE to meet Joey the dog (or “Sheriff of BrightHaven” as he was fondly known) as I honor his sweetness and light.
CLICK HERE to meet Lily the dog and learn what she has taught me about releasing anger at animal cruelty.
CLICK HERE to meet Patty the dog and learn what she taught me about canine transitions.
CLICK HERE to meet Bailey the dog and discover his amazing rescue story of courage, hope, resilience and healing.
CLICK HERE to meet Sam and Frazier, two cats who taught me that healing is about partnership and is also possible amidst illness.
CLICK HERE to meet Ariel the horse, who showed me the deep trust our Animal Reiki sessions can create.
CLICK HERE to meet Gracie the pig and Johnny and Thomas, both cats, who taught me the importance of mindfulness.
CLICK HERE to meet Harley the hog who inspires me to find ways to live with more kindness and compassion each and every day.
CLICK HERE to meet Johnnie the cat, who was one of the wisest spiritual teachers I’ve ever met, and who taught me valuable lessons about remembering wholeness and living with compassion for others.
I’m so deeply grateful for each of these beautiful animals. I hope today’s newsletter has given you a small window into the world of the thousands of animals whose teachings have shaped the Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki! Visit BrightHaven today to learn and support their mission 🙂
I’d love to know who your most profound animal teachers are!
Stay safe, be well and may the animals light your way,
