Every animal deserves to be treated with respect and kindness.
When approaching animals, a humble heart goes a long way towards trust and connection.
When we choose to listen to the spiritual lessons animals are teaching us about life, our view of the world (and our place in it) expands in wonderful ways!
As my students know, my view of Animal Reiki is very lifestyle and action-oriented. I see the aspiration to live a kinder life as the motivation for my Let Animals Lead® method practice. The more I experience mindfulness with my animals in this present moment, the more connected I feel, and the easier it is to make compassionate choices each and every day. This means that Let Animals Lead® practitioners are animal advocates to the core.
Recognizing the beauty and sacred nature of animals is very bittersweet. It opens up our hearts bigger than we ever thought possible and brings an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the blessings our animals have brought to our lives. On the other hand, it also opens our eyes to the broken bond between humans and animals in the world, and the suffering that greed, ignorance and violence create for all species.
It is the profound peace and happiness created by our Let Animals Lead® practice that helps make us strong in the face of the world’s many deep and troublesome issues regarding animals and their treatment. Helping each of you deepen your roots, grounding and strength is a HUGE motivator for me to create my year-long professional development programs.
It is my hope that through these programs, you will develop a truly fearless compassion that will keep you strong so that you can advocate for animals in powerful ways each and every day!
If you’ve been wanting to take your Animal Reiki practice to the next level, one (or all!) of these programs are for you! In 2022, you have 4 options for monthly support and learning:
1) CLICK HERE to learn about and join the 2022 Animal Reiki Meditation Group!
2) CLICK HERE to learn about and become a Practitioner of Excellence 2022!
3) CLICK HERE to learn about and become a Teacher of Excellence 2022!
4) Want to be a Practitioner AND Teacher of Excellence? CLICK HERE!
Let’s make 2022 a year for fearless compassion: for ourselves and for the animals we love!