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Holding Space and Taking Action

This week, I’d love to share with you a very special video, and invite you to hold healing space and act for the brave people and beautiful animals of Ukraine.

A thoughtful, dedicated group of my Animal Reiki students have created this video. It’s called “Helping Animals in Ukraine + Global Lighthouse Meditation.” I love this video because it puts together two very important aspects of the Let Animals Lead® method: Spiritual Power and the Power of Action. These two aspects must work together to change the world for animals!

The Importance of Spiritual Power:

As practitioners of the Let Animals Lead® method, we cultivate and practice holding positivity amidst difficult situations, seeing the perfection of animals, no matter what struggles they face. This can bring a strong sense of safety and peace to animals, and can lighten their suffering, no matter what they are going through. Animals do not often have the power of choice and space to be heard, and this is something that Let Animals Lead® practitioners place at the center of our meditation sessions. Our meditations are taught as not only formal, in the context of quiet, extended peaceful sessions with animals, but also as in taking responsibility for our own energy, through mindfulness practiced throughout the day, for example through reciting the Reiki precepts in difficult moments. I see our practice as a way of building up our “spiritual muscles” so that we can more easily hold a peaceful space during difficult times. The Global Lighthouse video is a great way to hold the world situation in an embrace of peace! CLICK HERE to watch this video learn more about the amazing work being done and to hold space for the animals and people of Ukraine.

Why Action Matters:

Because our focus is on animals in this method, it’s important to take a moment to acknowledge the place animals have in our society and on this planet. We are stewards of this planet, and our dominance as a species on this planet is not an excuse to mistreat animals, but rather a responsibility to care for them, and as much as possible, allow them to live free and natural lives. As we can see from what is happening to Ukraine, humans sometimes try to use dominance in negative ways towards each other, rather than seeing the goal of world peace as being the responsibility of the strong.

In this moment, taking time each day to meditate and hold the Ukraine situation in the light is so important, but also we should each take action in a physical way to help. The above video has a list of brave, selfless organizations who are on the ground, in harm’s way, doing the work of angels. Don’t just think about them, do something! Please choose one or more of these organizations to help today:

Ugolyok: An animal rescue and farm sanctuary: PayPal:, Venmo: pawsofhelp

Together we can make a huge difference in spiritual and physical support!

Don’t miss next week’s special webinar:

100 Years of Reiki: Celebrating Animal Reiki’s Past, Present and Future Possibilities

Date: Tuesday March 29, 2022 Time: 6-7PM Pacific time: Cost: $49, 50% donated to Shelter Animal Reiki Association CLICK HERE to sign up!

This class meets on Zoom. Can’t be there live? No worries, all students will receive a recording of the live meeting!

And finally, I’ve started a new series of videos on my Youtube channel, “Animal Reiki Q and A,” where I’ve chosen some of the best questions students have asked me in live zoom classes. Here are the two latest videos (a new one will be released each week, stay tuned! Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn notifications on to see them when they’re first released!) I hope it’s helpful and please post your comments below the videos 🙂

Stay safe, be well and may the animals light your way,

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