It seems like there are more poppies right now in California than I ever remember in April! I’m so grateful for such a beautiful backdrop on my nature strolls and walking meditations with Vincent.
To get in swing with Spring, I’ve created 3 exciting new opportunities for you to deepen your bond with animals:
1) Don’t miss this month’s FREE monthly Animal Reiki Talk:
Expanding Our Animal Reiki Compassion Footprint CLICK HERE to join online or listen to the recording afterwards
2) Hope to see you later this month for an all new Zoom class:
The Power of Japanese Techniques in Animal Reiki Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6-7:15PM Pacific time (recorded if you can’t be there live)
Join me and discover why the Let Animals Lead® method is so powerful and effective for animals. Learn the sacred foundations of this method that will help you honor animals as healers and teachers.
I’ll also explain how certain techniques we use in Animal Reiki connect to the original Japanese spiritual heritage of our practice, and why it’s so important to carry on these practices. I’ll also share insights I received from my own personal pilgrimage to sacred Reiki sites in Japan.
3) Join me in May for the 2nd Zoom class in the Animal Wisdom Series I’m co-teaching with Ricardo Gare:
Healing Gifts from Earth Animals Saturday, May 1, 2021 10-11:30AM Pacific time (recorded if you can’t be there live)
For me, the underlying basis of our Animal Reiki connections are the 5 Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. These elements are explored through the wisdom of animals in our special Wisdom Series! In this 2nd class of the series, you’ll learn:
How connecting with animals who embody the element of earth can deepen inner peace, your sense of connection to others and compassion.
The role of embracing the present moment in living with positivity.
The importance of being grounded when we connect with our animals.
The connection between our physical body, grounding and health. What are some physical practices we can do to help nurture physical and mental/emotional health?
How connecting with the energy of elephants and bears can help us ground ourselves and support healing.
Join Ricardo and I to go deeper into your practice and soul connections with animals!
I hope all three of these offerings support you and your compassionate relationships with animals 🙂
Stay safe, be well and may the animals light your way,