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Learning from Animals to Live in the Precepts

“Animals are the bridge between us and the beauty of all that is natural. They show us what’s missing in our lives, and how to love ourselves more completely and unconditionally. They connect us back to who we are, and to the purpose of why we’re here.” ― Trisha McCagh

I love this quote because it really speaks to the ways animals make us better human beings. This is such a big focus on my teachings, as those of you who are my students already know! The 6th pillar of the Let Animals Lead® method is that animals are spiritual healers and teachers, and that as practitioners, we learn to listen to and be receptive to these lessons and gifts. Today I’d like to share with you a short video excerpted from my Level 1 Online certification course, that talks about a special way that animals teach us: through the Reiki precepts.

The precepts are a central element to Animal Reiki, and the more we allow animals to help us uncover the beauty and truth of these precepts, the more love and light can come into our lives. In this video I explain how even the most unlikely of teachers, for example a scared and traumatized shelter animal, can lead us back to remembering that All is Well in this moment.

The question is, will we listen to and be open to these beautiful teachings that the animals around us are always giving us? CLICK HERE to watch this video.

Want to learn more? Be sure to sign up for Level 1, 2 or 3 online certification in the Let Animals Lead® method: Next sessions starting in March! Find out more on my EVENTS page.

Stay safe, be well and may the animals light your way,

Kathleen Prasad's Animated Signature
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