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Helping Senior Animals Plus the Dakota Scholarship

I just create a very special June Animal Reiki Talk! Please CLICK HERE to listen to the recording – this month’s topic:

Helping Senior Animals with Animal Reiki

Using the 6 Pillars of the Let Animals Lead® method as a guide, I share what animals have shown me about the best ways Animal Reiki can create a supportive, stable, safe spiritual space for our fur kids in their golden years 🙂

In the spirit of June’s Animal Reiki Talk topic, I’m also super excited to announce a very special offering I’ve created in memory of my soul-dog, Dakota (whose photo you see above), who lived with me for 16 and 1/2 years. You can learn more about Dakota HERE.

The Dakota Scholarship, July 2021

*Apply for a FREE Let Animals Lead® method Level 1 or Level 2 online Animal Reiki Certification with me this July! **Application Due June 10th**


A) I’ve created this scholarship for people who 1) cannot afford the tuition to study Level 1 or 2 with me and 2) have a passion to help rescued animals.

B) For Level 1 scholarship: Must be able to attend the Level 1 session Tuesdays in July. For Level 2 scholarship: Must meet prerequisites and be able to attend Level 2 sessions AM or PM times in July.

If you satisfy both A) and B) of these requirements, please apply by sending me an email with the subject line: Dakota Scholarship. In this email, tell me a bit about your journey with animals, why you feel you deserve this scholarship and what you plan to do with your certification to help animals in your community! If you can, please also send me your photo with one of your animal teachers 🙂

And finally, if you haven’t signed up yet, don’t forget to join us this Tuesday for the all-new webinar:

Tuesday June 8, 2021 6-7:15PM Pacific time $65

Can’t be there live? No worries, a recording of the class will be sent to all students.

Hope to see you there 🙂 CLICK HERE for more info and to sign up now!

Stay safe, be well and may the animals light your way,

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