This week begins a new year, with many new possibilities!
Reflecting on 2020, I am so grateful for all my students and our Let Animals Lead® community for holding the light through these challenging times!
Professionally, this past year I’ve found ways to incorporate more online learning into my programs. It’s been so enlightening to hear feedback from my students about the benefits of learning via Zoom (with lots of independent time to practice). I’ve learned a lot about how to support students through distant learning, and am so grateful to all my students for their open-hearted and dedicated practice.
I’m also so proud of having completed my latest book in the summer: my very special Meditation Journal.
This is my favorite book so far, and it feels like it came at the perfect time to help my students through these months of uncertainty. Our Animal Reiki practice gives us so many tools to support peace and compassion, even in difficult moments, and this journal helps remind us to practice daily!
Personally, this year has been one of going inward and focusing on finding blessings in each moment of simplicity and quiet. I am very grateful to my horse and dog for helping me remember how easy it is to find joy in the moment 🙂 My last trip was in February, before the pandemic shut down, and it was a wonderful time! I’ll miss being at CARE again this February, but hope to resume my yearly trip to the CARE Foundation in 2022! It’s been so strange not traveling to all my favorite sanctuaries and connecting with so many animals and people in these special places, but it’s given me a wonderful opportunity to spend more time writing, meditating and even…dare I say… relaxing 🙂
Although 2020 has been a challenging year for so many people around the world health wise, for me personally it was, thankfully, extremely uneventful! For the first time in nine years, I had no reason to go to any cancer-related appointments or treatments, and this was a VERY welcome break from health-related concerns. Not a day goes by that I don’t feel blessed and grateful to be cancer free!
As we stand together at the door of a fresh, new year, I believe we as Animal Reiki practitioners have a very special opportunity to bring light, love, compassion and peace to the world. The ultimate outcome of our practice is that we live kinder and more compassionate lives. Isn’t that what the world needs now? And something else our Animal Reiki practice teaches us is the power of energy to radiate and affect those around us. In a world often filled with anger and disharmony, we as Animal Reiki practitioners can radiate a strong energy that brings positivity to all!
Join me in ringing in the New Year with peace, love and Animal Reiki next Tuesday, Jan. 5 during my monthly FREE Animal Reiki Talk for the New Year or on Jan. 16th for my special class with holistic vet Ricardo Gare, A New Path Forward, Reiki for a Balanced Future on Earth.
Wishing you a beautiful and healthy New Year that is filled with inner peace and courage, boundless gratitude, plentiful acts of kindness, and of course, animals all around!
Stay safe, be well, and may the animals light your way,
